Neem cake is a natural organic Manure and has shown tremendous potentials of nutrients and is widely used for sustainable agriculture as well as horticulture applications.
Neem cake Manure is available in the following forms for the easy applications in the fields and provide slow and steady nourishment, stimulation, protection from soil nematodes and insects, improve yields,and quality of product like taste, flavour amino acid composition etc.
A. Neem Cake Powder form
B. Neem cake flake form
C. Neem cake pellet
D. Neem cake Granules
Typical specifications
Nitrogen (N) : 3- 5%
Phosphorous (p2o5) : 0.5 to 1%
Pottasium (k20) : 0.75 to 1%
Oil content : 5 – 6%
Azadractin : < 600 ppm
Dosage: 500 kg/ hectare
Mode of action or Advantages:
1. Neem Cake is active in increasing the growth, leafage, results in rich blossoming,strengthening the roots and improving the general appearance of fruits & vegetables.
2. While applied in conjuction with any Nitrogenous fertilisers, slows the conversion of Nitrogenous compounds into Nitrogen gas , thus making Nitrogen available to the plants for a longer duration.
3. It prevents and treats ailment disorders of plants due to lack or imbalance of Nutritious and trace elements.
4. It accelerates root development and overall plant growth and protects the plant from Nematodes and white ants.
5. It is a totally organic plant food which increases productivity and soil fertility.
6. It has antifungal properties and highly suitable for application in Green
a. Neem cake can be mixed with chemical fertilizers or organic manures
b. Neem fertilizers is applied in and around the roots of the plants
c. The desired quantity of neem cake is applied in the soil and worked out in the soil resulting in proper blending of neem cake.