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Neem Oil

Neem oil is produced by natural way without heat, chemicals, Petrochemical and retains all the well balanced ingredients in the oil. It is non toxic to human beings, animals, birds and earth worms. Neem oil is high pure derived from Neem seed kernels.


A.Neem oil for agriculture

1. Organic farming input in soil for nematodes ad soil based input control.
2. Neem oil is non toxic to beneficial and non target organisms.
3. Neem oil is effective against more than 208 species of insect pests, some of whom are resistent to chemical pesticides or are otherwise difficult to control.
4. Neem oil is effective against sucking insects and chewing insects.

Usage and dosage: 5ml to 7 ml per litre of water. Emulsified neem oil can easily be diluted with water to make a colloidal suspension which should be sprayed on the crop.

B. Neem oil in health
Neem oil is also used in the various medicines for Humans beings and used for medicinal purposes.
C. Neem oil in Animal Health
Neem Oil has been used in India to provide heath cover to live stock in various form and widely been used in animal treatment.
D. Neem oil in cosmetics
Neem oil is used in preparation of various cosmetics and toiletries.

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